The Adriatic Tavern!
Amphitheatre of Durrës
It is the most ancient city in Albania, with almost 3,000 years of history. Its foundation dates to 627 B.C. when the Corinthians and settlers from Corcyra invaded the Illyrian territory of the Taulants. The city is home to many ancient archaeological sites and finds. The most notable tourist attraction in Durrës is the amphitheater of the Roman Emperor Hadrian.
Built after the 2nd century B.C., this Amphitheatre of Durrës endures as one of the greatest Roman constructions in the region and one of the miracles erected under Roman emperor Trajan, and it was destroyed twice by earthquakes in the 6th and 10th centuries. With Trajan as the leader of the Empire for 19 years (98-117 A.D.), Rome flourished and, with it, the constructions of that time. A part of the Durrës Amphitheatre remains unexcavated, adding a certain flair of charm and mystery, akin to the sculptures “The Winged Victory of Samothrace” in the Louvre or the Torso of Apollo in the Metropolitan Museum of Art.
Thus, though some elements are absent, the Amphitheatre’s function throughout the years remains clear to this day. It is the largest amphitheatre ever built in the Balkan Peninsula with once having a capacity of 20,000 people. The amphitheatre is included on the
June - September, Everyday
October - March, Everyday
09:00 - 16:30
Rruga Kalase, Durrës, Albania
tentative list of Albania for inscribing it as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. It was discovered in late 1966 and has become a popular tourist attraction.
Durrës Archaeological Museum
The Durrës Archaeological Museum in Durrës, Albania, established in 1951, is the largest archaeological museum in the country. The museum is located near the beach and north of the museum are the 6th-century Byzantine walls, constructed after the Visigoth invasion of 481.
The 1997 rebellion in Albania saw the museum seriously damaged and looted. The bulk of the museum consists of 3204 artefacts found in the nearby ancient site of Dyrrhachium and includes an extensive collection from the Ancient Greek, Hellenistic and Roman periods.
Items of major note include Roman funeral steles and stone sarcophagi and a collection of miniature busts of Venus, testament to the time when Durrës was a centre of worship of the goddess.
May - October, Everyday
November - April, Tuesday - Sunday
09:00 - 16:00
Archaeological Museum, Durrës, Albania
Durrës Castle
Durrës Castle is the fortified old city of Durrës, Albania. It is enclosed by city walls built in the late 5th century and repaired and reinforced in the Middle Ages and early modern periods.
The castle was built by the Byzantine Emperor Anastasius I (reign 491–518), who came from Durrës (ancient Dyrrhachium). At the time, Anastasius made the city one of the most fortified cities on the Adriatic. The ancient walls were devastated in an earthquake in 1273 and had to be extensively repaired.
One-third of the original wall of the city castle is still standing, and you can even walk along the same road that Caesar himself once strolled.
Everyday, Open 24 hours
8C5W+VQ8, Durrës, Albania
Byzantine Forum
The Byzantine Forum remains the centre of the modern city of Durrës, as it once was the Roman Byzantine centre of the ancient city of Dyrrhachium or Dyrrah. This forum is recognized as one of the most beautiful monuments of the late Roman and the early Byzantine eras in Albania. The Forum bears a distinct resemblance to the Curved Forum of Constantine, which unfortunately, ceased to exist in 1204.
Fortunately, we have the Byzantine Forum which has been carefully conserved throughout centuries as a remnant of a glorious time. Though now clearly surrounded by the modern city of Durres, keeping the spirit of antiquity. Built at the end of the 6th century during the time of the Roman Emperor Anastasios (481-518), along with the city-harbor’s fortifications.
After being built, the fortifications were thought to be the sturdiest in the entire Balkan area. According to historians, their walls had such thickness that several knights could stand alongside one another on their walls, which explains why this forum still proudly stands in the centre of the city.
Everyday, Open 24 Hours
Rruga Aleksander Goga, Durrës, Albania
During the 9th century, a small church with mosaic-covered walls was built nearby. You can also see the bathhouses of the 2nd century A.D. and the nearby Byzantine forum of the 5th-6th century with marble columns.
Royal Villa of Durres
The Royal Villa of Durrës, commonly known as Zog's Villa of Durrës, is a historical building in the city of Durrës, Albania. It served as the summer residence of King Zog. It was used as the summer palace by the Albanian Royal family during the reign of the Monarchy and remains a symbol of the Monarchy in the City.
It was restored to Leka Crown Prince of Albania in 2007. The restoration process was accepted and approved by the Albanian lands commission, following all the legal procedures without contest. The Palace was a gift given by the Durrës business community as a sign of prosperity to King Zog. The villa is set on the Durrës hill, 98 m above the sea level.
The sea can be seen from three sides of the villa. It is extended in the form of an eagle and was built in 1926. Kristo Sotiri, an architect who had graduated from the University of Padova and the University of Venice, Italy, designed the villa. By the time that Sotiri was designing the building, he had vast experience that included that of being the architect of the Court of Queen Elisabeth of Wied of Romania.
Everyday, Open 24 Hours
Villa e Ahmet Zogu, Durrës, Albania
Grand Mosque of Durrës
The Grand Mosque of Durrës or New Mosque is a historic Albanian Mosque in the port-town of Durrës, Albania. It was built in 1931 under the Kingdom of King Ahmet Zogu I on the site of an older mosque from Ottoman times. By the day of its opening, it was the largest mosque in Albania. The mosque was closed in 1967 under the dictatorship of Enver Hoxha and its minaret was torn down. Most other historic mosques of the Ottoman era were destroyed.
From now on, the Main mosque was used as a so-called Youth Centre. It was damaged again in 1979 by an earthquake. With the help of the International Islamic Relief Organization of the Muslim World League, the mosque was reopened again in 1993. The Mosque is also called Grand Mosque in order to distinguish it from the Little Mosque - the Ottoman-era Fatih Mosque.
Everyday, Refer to building for varying open hours
8C7W+76J, Rruga Aleksander Goga, Durrës, Albania
St Anthony Church
The ruins of St. Anthony Church are located at Rodon Cape (alternatively known as Skanderbeg Cape) in Durrës County, is a Cultural Monument of Albania. It became a Cultural Monument in 1963.
The Church of St. Anthony, a monument built around the same period as the Castle, is located near the Cape. Built in the Romanesque-Gothic architectural style, this church includes several beautiful frescoes and other interesting elements.
Thanks to its position near the Cape and the sea, the panoramas surrounding the Church are impressive.
HFM5+675, near, Kepi i Rodonit, Albania
Cape of Rodon
The Cape of Rodon or Cape of Skanderbeg is a rocky cape on the Adriatic Sea north of Durrës, Albania. On the Cape is the Rodoni Castle, built by Skanderbeg in 1463. and a Saint Anthony Church. Further south in the bay between the cape and Rrushkull Reserve there exist several beach resorts like Fshati Turistik Lura while Lalzit Bay Resort is under construction. Rodoni Castle is on the Cape of Rodon.
After the victorious First Siege of Krujë the League of Lezhë decided to increase the fortifications for use against the Ottoman Empire. Skanderbeg chose the cape of Rodon as the location of the castle and construction began in 1450. The walls of the castle that was completed in approximately 1452 had a length of 400 metres (1,300 ft).
When the Siege of Krujë started in 1466 Skanderbeg retreated to Rodoni Castle from where he and his family, together with many people from Albania, were transported to Brindisi in 14 ships. According to Marin Barleti this castle was destroyed by Ottoman forces in 1467.