A Colourful Mix of Culture!
Livoq Lake
Livoq Lake or Livoč Lake is a small artificial lake in eastern Kosovo. Livoq Lake is just west of the large city of Gjilan and borders the Goljak mountains to its west. The lake is fed by a small tributary of the South Morava. It is the second largest lake in the east of Kosovo only coming second to Prilepnica Lake.

Përlepnicë Lake
Përlepnicë Lake is a small lake situated in western Kosovo, surrounded by the Goljak mountains. Prilepnica Lake is found just north-east of the city of Gjilan, also it supplies water for the city. A tributary of the South Morava flows through the lake and it is the largest lake in the east of Kosovo.

City of Gjilan
In 1342, a place called Morava was visited by Serbian King Stefan Dušan (later Emperor, r. 1331–1355). A fort was built nearby in the 14th century. Gornja Morava("Upper Morava") was known as simply Morava under Ottoman rule, and it extended west of the Upper Žegra–Budriga–Cernica line, thus Gjilan stayed in the oblast(province) of Topolnica, which provincial seat was Novo Brdo. In the 1455 defter(Ottoman tax registry), Gjilan was inhabited by Serbs, and the priest Božidar served the town.
There were 41 households. Haji Kalfa (first half of the 17th century) mentions Morava being 17 days from Constantinople. Gornja Morava and Izmornikwere organised into the Sanjak of Vučitrn up until the 18th century. Gjilan became a kadiluk around 1780, and 20–25 years later a large village. The exact year of establishment of Gjilan to this day is not exactly determined. In the 17th century, Evlia Çelebija mentions Gjilan, but named Morava, as a cadillac within the Sanjak of Vučitrn. Among other things, Evlia Çelebija writes that "Seventeen days the road from Constantinople (today's Istanbul) to Novo Brdo passes through Vranje, Kriva Reka (Egridere) of Morava (Gjilan)".
There is a tradition in the people that Gjilan as a settlement was formed around 1750, and as an urban center – in 1772. Gjilan as a town developed in addition to the extinction of Novo Brdo, which in the Middle Ages was one of the cities and the largest commercial, economic and mining centers in the Balkans. The feudal family "Gjinaj" in the second half of the nineteenth century transferred their headquarters from Novo Brdo and built their own houses in the place where Gjilani is now located.
Flaka e Janarit is a cultural event that starts on January 11 in Gjilan with a symbolic opening of the flame, to keep up with various cultural activities to 31 January of each year. It gathers thousands of artists and art lovers from all the Albanian territories, who for three consecutive weeks transform the city into a cultural metropolis. The nation's martyrs are honored through values of art by this event, which began before the 10th anniversary of the assassination of writer, activist and patriot Jusuf Gërvalla, along with Kadri Zeka and Bardhosh Gërvalla. It was exactly the tenth anniversary without these three martyrs of freedom and from coincidence of these murders in a same date on 11 January, this event got this name "Flaka e Janarit".
